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I Love You - gift pack
I Love You - gift pack
I Love You - gift pack

I Love You - gift pack

Regular price $39.00 $32.50 Sale

This Gift Pack is simply love 

Happy Valentines.

If you are sending this to someone else and would like to include a personal message - feel welcome to email us after you have ordered - quote your order number and what you would like us to include on a little card.


A pure cotton Hand towel and Face Washer Set.- with the words 'love you' embroidered in either gold or silver.

A Lavender Relaxation Roll-on -  with a combination of Lavender and exotic oils which  provide a refreshing relaxed feeling.  Aromatherapy in a convenient roll-on. 14ml

And a choice of one our LLF Soaps -Lavender, Ancient Sandalwood, Lavender Botanical, Luxurious Lavender or Lavender & Lemon (100gl)

Packed and ready to be sent to you - or as a gift for someone special


ALL FOR JUST $32.50